How to navigate roundabouts in Red Deer

Learning to navigate a roundabout in Red Deer is really quite simple. However, for some, they can lead to confusion. The greatest uncertainty seems to be around proper use of signals when entering and exiting the roundabout.
Turning right or exiting at the first exit
When exiting at the first exit, a person is essentially making a right turn. Choose the right lane and signal to the right, yield to pedestrians crossing in front of you and traffic approaching from the left already in the roundabout.

Going straight through or exiting at the second exit
It used to be that when a person was travelling straight through a roundabout, exiting at the second exit, they would signal to the left as they entered the roundabout and then signalled to the right as they exited. Despite the fact that the Alberta Driver’s Guide (pg. 61) still suggests that a person is to signal left when entering a traffic circle or roundabout, the instructional video “Choosing Your Lane and Signal,” put out by the city of Red Deer suggests otherwise. It is explicitly stated that signalling to the left when entering the roundabout is not required when one is planning to exit at the second exit. Signalling to the right as a person exits is still required.
Going left or exiting at the third exit
According to the instructional video put out by the city of Red Deer, signalling to the left when entering the roundabout is necessary when the driver is planning to exit at the third or fourth exits. They signal to the left as they enter and signal to the right as they exit.
Why signal to the right when exiting a roundabout
When a driver is waiting to enter a roundabout, the only way that he or she knows whether the driver in the roundabout is going to continue around or exit is if they signal. If they driver doesn’t signal their intention then the driver waiting to enter must not enter until the driver in the roundabout has committed to exiting or continuing. This causes a delay for the person waiting to enter and keeps traffic from flowing as smoothly as it could.
Following these simple rules will help you navigate a roundabout with ease.