Don’t Forget to Shoulder Check

Shoulder checking, also known as a shoulder glance or a blind spot check, is a crucial aspect of safe driving. It involves briefly looking over your shoulder to check the blind spots – areas not visible in your rearview or side mirrors. Here are several reasons why shoulder checking is important while driving:

1. Avoiding Blind Spot Accidents:

One of the main reasons for shoulder checking is to avoid accidents caused by vehicles being in your blind spots. These are areas around your vehicle that cannot be seen in mirrors. Failing to check your blind spots before changing lanes or merging can lead to collisions with other vehicles.

2. Enhancing Situational Awareness:

Shoulder checking enhances your overall awareness of the traffic around you. It allows you to be fully informed about the position and movement of vehicles in adjacent lanes, which is especially important on highways or multi-lane roads.

3. Preventing Side-Swipe Collisions:

When changing lanes, there’s a risk of your vehicle colliding with a car in the adjacent lane if you don’t check your blind spots. This is particularly common during heavy traffic or when lanes are merging.

4. Ensuring Pedestrian Safety:

Shoulder checking is not only for other vehicles; it’s also crucial when making turns to ensure there are no pedestrians or cyclists in your blind spots. Pedestrians, especially in urban areas, can be in unexpected places, and a quick shoulder check can prevent accidents involving them.

5. Maintaining Defensive Driving:

Defensive driving involves being prepared for unexpected actions of other drivers. Regular shoulder checks help you anticipate and respond to the maneuvers of other vehicles, allowing you to react in time to prevent accidents.

6. Compliance with Driving Laws:

In many places, failing to shoulder check when required (such as during a driving test or while changing lanes) can result in penalties or even the suspension of your driver’s license.

7. Applying the “SMOG” Technique:

The SMOG technique (Signal, Mirror, Over-the-shoulder, Go) is a widely taught method for changing lanes safely. Shoulder checking is a critical step in this process.

In summary, shoulder checking is a fundamental practice that contributes significantly to road safety. It helps prevent accidents, ensures the safety of other road users, and promotes responsible and defensive driving. Always remember to shoulder check whenever you change lanes, merge, or make turns to minimize the risks on the road.