Curb lane to curb lane right turn

Approaching the Turn

- Check your inside and outside rear view mirrors Reduce speed approximately one-half (1/2) block from the intersection, or as required.
- If required, changes lane and move into the proper lane (usually the curb lane) well in advance of the intersection (at least 15 metres from the intersection) or where appropriate.
- Signal approximately one-third (1/3) block from the intersection.
- Position vehicle approximately 1 metre from the curb. Scan the intersection for traffic control devices, and identify the type of control and comply.
- Scan left, centre and right.
- Shoulder check to the right for cyclists and pedestrians.
Preparing to and During the Turn
- Check to see if the intended lane of travel is free of obstructions such as parked vehicles.
- NOTE: If there is no obstruction, such as a vehicle, within one-half (1/2) block, enter the curb lane.
- NOTE: If there is an obstruction within the first one-half block, then the lane to the left of the obstruction may be treated as a curb extension and should be entered.
- When the passenger side front tire is opposite the point where the curb begins to curve, turn the steering wheel to the right, as required, and hold to approximately the half-way point of the turn.
- While looking 12-15 seconds (approximately one block) along your intended path follow the curvature of the curb to maintain your position at a safe and controlled speed.
- Recover your steering at approximately the three- quarter (3/4) point of the turn to enter the proper lane of travel.
- Completing the Turn
- Accelerate as required to move with the traffic flow, making sure that the signal light has cancelled.
- Re-establish your 12-15 second visual leadtime.