Parallel Parking

Parallel Parking

- Check the parked vehicles for movement or doors opening as you approach a suitable space.
- Safely change lanes as required.
- Check the vehicle that you will be stopping beside for size and position.
- Stop alongside this vehicle leaving an appropriate distance (minimum 1 metre) between the vehicles. Your vehicle should be parallel with the curb.
- Stop when the rear bumper of your vehicle is in line with the rear bumper of the other vehicle.
- Select reverse, scan 360 degrees. What are the potential hazards?
- When safe, back very slowly approx. ½ to 1 metre while looking to the rear then begin steering sharply to the right.
- Stop when your vehicle is in an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the curb. Scan 360 degrees once more.
- When safe, look to the rear and continue backing very slowly while straightening the front wheels by turning quickly to the left. Back straight until the right front bumper of your vehicle is just clear of the left rear bumper of the other vehicle. Stop and scan 360 degrees. What are the potential hazards?
- When safe, continue backing slowly and steer to the left. Continue looking to the rear with short glances to the front as required.
- As your vehicle comes to a parallel position with the curb, straighten the front wheels and stop.
- Select forward gear and move slowly ahead centering your vehicle in the parking space and within legal distance of the curb.
- Place the vehicle in park gear and set the park brake.